01 02 03 Coffee Before Crayons: Barstool, Ovens, and Oils... Oh My! 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Barstool, Ovens, and Oils... Oh My!

Life as we know it is busy and blessed but not always all that interesting. With a full time job plus a toddler we have a pretty well established routine.
Yesterday I used my lunch break to pick up the barstools we ordered online. They are from Kirklands, and they are perfection! 

Thankfully, they were packed in well-sealed boxes so they are going to be safe in our construction zone. 
Also sealed in a box is my new Fall wreath. I typically like to DIY my wreaths but knowing we will move home around October I knew I would want one ready made this year. I picked up this gem from Kirklands online also and it just arrived. 
Isn't it lovely! I can't wait to hang it on my new front door. Sadly I haven't ordered or decided what color to paint it yet. All in good time though. 
After too many nights to count of AG not sleeping well I finally broke out the oils last night. I don’t know why I didn’t do it sooner (said the perpetual skeptic)… I applied Valor and Lavender to her feet and diffused Peace & Calming and Lavender in our room and she not only fell asleep in less than 3 minutes but she slept ALL NIGHT LONG! Well, except a brief moment when I might’ve tried to steal the covers which didn’t make her happy but she went right back to sleep. I will be following this same oily regimen again tonight and hopefully we all sleep great again! 
Hubby got AG from school yesterday which allowed me time to visit our house and really look around at all the progress in the midst of the mess. I’ll post pictures soon; just know, it’s not pretty. I will NEVER again call my house a “disaster” or “complete mess” because I now know what that looks like. But despite the mess, I see beauty because when I walk around stepping over construction materials, I see home and I feel a peace knowing we will be in our home again soon.
It felt like Fall this morning which reminds me that it will BE Fall when we move back home and how glorious it will be to open up all of our new windows and doors and let the Fall breeze blow through. You should know that our old windows were the original 80s windows that were installed when the house was built and were a beast to open and just knowing I’d have to fight to shut them was enough to keep me from opening them most of the time. Unless of course I was roasting a chicken in our tiny oven that was too small for my roasting pan and it would inevitably start smoking despite my best efforts to clean the oven and construct a makeshift roasting pan using a jelly roll pan and mass quantities of foil. That oven was one thing I was happy to see go. I am currently in negotiations with the fine folks at Lowes over a set of double wall ovens. I will get them but I’m not in a hurry so I’m taking my time and working them down to a price I can comfortably afford. The promise of a pumpkin cheesecake baked in my new oven might also help sweeten the deal. If you ever need to get a better price always offer baked goods! It also helps to put on some makeup and do your hair, they’re lying if they say they treat everyone the same. 

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