01 02 03 Coffee Before Crayons: Dishwasher - Check 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Dishwasher - Check

I have been seriously blessed in the appliance department. Literally every item I have purchased has been deeply discounted, for usually no reason other than it being a special order return, and they have all been the item that I would've picked out to buy if money weren't a factor. This one is no different. Yesterday the dishwasher I've been holding out on turned up and was returned by the original purchaser claiming it was broken but long story short... she had just failed to connect it to water. "Here's your sign."
I got it for a fraction of the price! This is the display. Mine still has the plastic stickers on it:

I'm so excited. All that's left is our deep freezer. I know which one I want and now I'm just waiting on someone to special order it and then return it because they didn't have enough space, or something equally silly. It seems far fetched but much stranger things have already happened so I'm holding out. 

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